Making the Game #1

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6 years ago, 2018

I went to a friend's photography show and had an idea. I've always loved Power Rangers. This is me in a costume as a kid.

At first, it started as a hack of FATE, which I love and first played back in 2014. I just wanted a cool way to play Power Rangers. That idea stayed in my head, but I wanted to see where the thoughts led me before committing to anything.

When I got home, I started making notes.

I have a way of making notes that has been a hold over from when I was a student. I like drawing arrows. This page was me just writing out some ideas, thinking of ways to connect dots to Power Rangers.

At first, I thought about playing as Archetypes. I envisions emulating the Teen side of things, like an after school special or a show like Sailor Moon or Buffy. That's where the Roles idea came from. At first, it included like being in a Club of some kind.

I also considered Hobbies as like an aspect of a character, which I will go into in a later Dev Log. Initial thoughts were about how those might be the "Skills" you have. As you spend more time in a hobby, maybe you're better at the Mechanical skill or something like that.

I thought through the different kinds of enemies that could be in the game, and then moved onto trying to sort out the Attributes.

And then BAM look at that. SLIDING SCALE. I was already thinking about things on a moving line. This would end up not being in the game, but the idea was seeded there.

Originally, I was thinking of having scales of how people perceive you. And that would factor into all of the social parts of the game. I envision the game in two halves, social and combat (I know, how original). In many ways, I thought of it split down the middle of Teen (Social) and Ranger (Combat). That thought would stick around for a long while, but change a bit.

I also tried to tie these to traditional D&D attributes, such as STR, CON, DEX, etc. I did learn TTRPGs by playing 4e Red Box in 2011, and at this time I had very limited exposure to other RPG systems.

The Sliding Scale of Popularity sticks around for a while also. I was really dead-set on that idea being the keystone for the Teen parts of the game. I of course start using the Slide Scale in a different way. Same for Roles. The basic thought of them in there, a reflection of an archetype, but it would be some time before they got even more fleshed out.

This is hopefully the first of many Dev Logs for this game. I've never really done anything like this before, either, so hopefully this continues to be fun.

Get Teenagers with Attitude

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